Logo Design

logo_design2Logo Design works hand-in-hand with Brand Identity Development. The most fundamental aspect in marketing your services and/or products is developing a clear and memorable “Brand Identity.”

Branding unifies and delivers your company’s visual identity through all aspects of your business, from your website to business cards, and so on. Your company image should be consistent (this includes your logo, colors, and overall layout).

Bezign Design can assist you in the development of your Brand Identity by providing design services for:

  • Logo design
  • Business Cards
  • Company Letterhead
  • Company Envelopes
  • Company Newsletters

We can provide you with brand consistency across the board.

Other materials that can be branded include packing slips, labels, invoices, brochures, applications, training materials, etc…

Your Corporate Identity is centered around your company logo. People identify your business through your logo. Your logo is a graphical representation that serves as a continual reminder of your services and products. Your logo should create a lasting impression on the viewer. Designers at Bezign will work with you to design a graphic image that best reflects your business and “Brands” your corporate image.
There are five basic types of logos and each varies in its design process and complexity. Therefore, it is important that you communicate to us what type of logo or brand image you would like. To help inform your decision, please browse our explanation on the Logo Types: logo_types_over

Tel./Fax. 805-577-9651 | Toll Free 866-257-7009

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